Have you messed up? If you're anything like the rest of the world, you may wonder if He has your back even when you've made decisions that are less than perfect.
Mistakes happen. Fear happens. Yet what we do with both are paramount in our ability to recover. There are times in our life when a chain reaction catapults us into a series of events that we didn’t see coming. If our course is altered by just one degree, it doesn’t seem like it bears all that much weight. Yet day after day, year after year of following this seemingly innocent detour of just one degree, can soon land us on a path we never planned for. We are steered further from our destiny than we ever dreamed would be possible.
“When we call out to Him in faith instead of cowering in the clutches of fear, He will hear us. It’s faith that pleases Him.”
In Through A Shattered Image, someone else’s vindictive actions threw the heroine into a series of events that altered the course of her life. She surrendered to the fear, and for reasons that were very real. She needed to be safe. She needed to be protected. She chose to live a lie through a controlled program. Every part of that countered what she believed. But even then, her heart was right. God knew that. And He knows each of our hearts in an intimate way.
Despite our actions, our insecurities, and our fears, we can be assured that He has our backs even when we’ve made decisions that are less than perfect. When we call out to Him in faith instead of cowering in the clutches of fear, He will hear us. It’s faith that pleases Him.
You might not be living under an alias, but you may be in a tough spot, trying to survive against the odds. Maybe you were a victim of someone else’s careless actions. Or perhaps you did it to yourself. Whatever the case, it’s such a sense of relief to know that
God can bring order out of our chaos. My chaos. Your chaos. What the enemy has strategized against you can be altered in an instant into something so spectacular that it’s beyond anything you thought imaginable.
All it takes is moving back toward Him. Just one degree.